
Create API service extremely fast

Quick Start →


Less api, less complexity. Everything you see is what you get. Code intelliSense powered by ts & vscode


Configuration is optional. Just coding for your business logic is not a dream


Reload on demand in dev mode; Production mode compilation; Debuggable; Testable;

NPM Version Build Status Coverage Status code style: prettier

express-api-bootstrap makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade express based Applications that you can just run.

# Quick Start

Create your first API server in 1mins 15secs


# Setup Environment

# create a new directory for your app
mkdir test-boot-app
cd test-boot-app

# Generate package.json without any question
npm init -y

# add required dependencies use yarn
yarn add express-api-bootstrap

# add required dependencies use npm
npm i express-api-bootstrap --save

# init express-api-bootstrap required env
npx boot init

Open and modify package.json with following section:

  "scripts": {
    "start": "boot dev",
    "build": "boot build",
    "serve": "boot serve",
    "test": "boot test"

Create the first controller at src/controllers/helloController.ts with following code:

import { HttpRequest, RestController, GetMapping } from 'express-api-bootstrap'

class HelloControler {
  sayHello(req: HttpRequest) {
    return {
      say: `Hi, ${}`

export default HelloControler

Run yarn start to, and you will see the first API at http://localhost:8080/apis/hello

# Want to contribute?

see contributing


MIT License